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freytag&berndt Mitteldalmatinische Küste 1:100 000 -

Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9783850849982
OKCZID: 110609140

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Mitteldalmatinische Küste: Brač, Hvar, Split = Srednja dalmatinska obala = Midden dalmatische kust = Middle dalmatian coast = Côte dalmate centre = Costa della dalmazia centrale : 1:100 000 [kartografický dokument]. 1:100 000. Wien: freytag & berndt, [200-?]. 1 mapa. Auto + Freizeitkarte, 3.



Loaded with information, place-names, and transportation detail (including ports, lighthouses, ferry routes and other maritime information), Freytag & Berndt has created a four map series for the Croatia Coast. This map includes Middle Dalmatia and the cities of Brazza, Lesina, Spalato, Brac & Hvar. The traditional cartography, multilingual labels and legends, makes this map a useful tool when traveling, or travel planning. Inset maps on the reverse side clearly show all cities and areas in and around this area of the Dalmaitian Coast. In addition, a street index booklet is attached to the cover for easy reference. Reverse side also has text regarding history and tourist information in multiple languages, and a placename index.

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