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Climate Data and Resources: A Reference and Guide

Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9780415057035
OKCZID: 110610401



Climate may be defined as the synthesis of long-term atmospheric conditions characteristic of a particular place. Consequently, the study of climate relies on sustained records of daily values. However, both location and equipment are variables and precise measurements may not be possible. There are occasions when an estimate rather than a measurement is necessary, as when gauging the unrecorded past or future. The value of applied climatology - the study of the impact of climate - lies in the analysis of measurements and estimates within the context of change. Climate Data and Resources provides a review of the theory and practice underlying current climactic research. The author describes the nature of atmospheric resources - solar radiation, wind and precipitation - and describes the specification, obtaining and treatment of climate data. Fully referenced and illustrated, Climate Data and Resources should prove a valuable resource to all those interested in the collection and analysis of climatic data.

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