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Autor: Abigail Hole, Michael Grosberg, Daniel Robinson
Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9781740599207
OKCZID: 110611238



Squint in awe at the glinting-gold El-Jem Colosseum and imagine the bloodthirsty roar as Roman gladiators entertain the crowd. Float in startlingly clear seas at El-Mansourah Beach. Wear your fragrant jasmine flower with confidence you're sending the right message. Sway gracefully on camelback through the endless Sahara, willing your steed not to break into a trot. Four authors, 73 days of in-country research, 70 detailed maps, 102 plates of salade mechouia, one rented camel. New Arts & Architecture chapter. Top Tunisian chef Rafik Tlatli gives an expert take on the local cuisine. .

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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