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An introduction to radiation chemistry

Autor: John William Tranter Spinks, Robert James Woods
Rok: 1990
ISBN: 9780471614036
OKCZID: 110611445

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SPINKS, J. W. T a WOODS, R. J., ed. An introduction to radiation chemistry. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley, c1990. xiv, 574 s.



An introductory chapter looks at the development of radiation chemistry and introduces the main concepts covered in this book. This is followed by chapters describing sources of high-energy radiation and the basic interactions between the radiation and matter; the measurement of absorbed energy (dosimetry); and the properties of the active intermediates produced (ions, excited molecules, and free radicals). Kinetic and instrumental methods used to investigate the intermediates are then detailed. The chemical results of irradiating gases, water and aqueous solutions; representative organic materials; and solids are discussed. A final chapter covers the applications of high-energy radiation in chemical synthesis and in commercial processes involving polymers, polymerization, waste management and food processing.

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