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The irony of Vietnam : the system worked

Autor: Leslie H. Gelb, Richard K. Betts
Rok: 1979
ISBN: 9780815730729
OKCZID: 110614932

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GELB, Leslie H. The irony of Vietnam: the system worked. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, [1979]. xi, 387 stran.



Designed to reach a wide audience of scholars and policymakers, the Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs 2000 is an annual series that serves as a forum for cutting-edge, accessible research on urban policy. The editors seek to integrate broader research into the urban policy discussion by bringing urban studies scholars together with economists and researchers studying subjects with important urban implications. The six papers in this inaugural volume are divided into two sections. The first three assess the state of urban research and policy. The others address important aspects of the urban economy: education, racial segregation, and federal housing policies.

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