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The Cambridge history of German literature

Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9780521434171
OKCZID: 110615620
Vydání: First published

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WATANABE-O'KELLY, Helen, ed. The Cambridge history of German literature. First published. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. xiv, 613 stran.



This is the first book to provide a complete German literary history up to the Unification of Germany in 1990. It is a history for our times: well-known authors and movements are set in a wider literary, cultural and political context, standard judgments are reexamined where appropriate, and a new prominence is given to writing by women. The book is designed for the general reader as well as the advanced student; titles and quotations are translated, and there is an extensive bibliography.

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