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TRANSPLANT International. Official Journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation: Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the European Society ... Transplantation, Rodos, October 25 - 28, 1993

Rok: 1994
ISBN: 9783540578352
OKCZID: 110617551



The best presentations from the 6th Congress are combined in this book, updating the state of the art of transplantion. The major portion of the book is on clinical kidney and liver transplantation, but every other organ that currently can be transplanted is also discussed. The information on new immunosuppressive drugs such as FK 506, RS-61443 and the new monoclonal antibodies is especially valuable. The results of the European FK 506 study group are presented in one chapter and the new approach in liver transplantion of segments of the liver (split-liver) in several articles. Lung transplantation and xenogeneic transplantation has also been extensively discussed. The basic sciences are represented in a section on experimental immunology and experimental immunosuppression and preservation.

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