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Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry

Rok: 2000
ISBN: 9780534379988
OKCZID: 110617633



This text has enjoyed great success because its authors recognize that both science and mathematics may be daunting subjects. With this in mind, the authors anticipated where students might stumble, and have paced and organized the text accordingly. The goal was to make the material interesting and relevant so that the basic chemical principles related to a career would be understood. Emphasizing problem solving, the authors provide a multitude of practice exercises. Presented first in the text are the basic concepts of general chemistry followed by organic and biochemistry. The first two sections have been revised to improve explanations and include pedagogical features. Thoroughly streamlined and updated, the biochemistry portion now includes coverage of many cutting-edge developments and emerging technologies in the field. The introductory chapters have been taken directly from Hein's FOUNDATION OF COLLEGE CHEMISTRY, Tenth Edition.

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