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Nuevo diccionario esencial de la lengua espaňola

Autor: Gregorio Salvador, Sergio Sánchez Cerezo
Rok: c2000
ISBN: 9788429459357
OKCZID: 110618803

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Nuevo diccionario esencial de la lengua española. Autor úvodu Gregorio SALVADOR. Madrid: Santillana, c2000, 1414 s. ISBN 84-294-5935-9.



A beautifully produced dictionary, excellent value for money, with a sturdy hardback cover, clear type-face and user-friendly layout. Entries for the 37,000 headwords are detailed and informative, including origin, grammatical category, definition, examples of usage, grammatical observations, composite nouns, locutions and generically related words. Additional features include tables conjugating irregular verbs, synonyms, antonyms and homonyms and feminine and masculine forms of adjectives. A 35-page appendix gives an outline of Spanish grammar plus sections on orthography and difficulties encountered by learners of Spanish. 1,100 detailed line drawings with constituent parts labelled illustrate vocabulary relating to specific topic areas, from sports and food to tools and transport. As well as standard Spanish, the dictionary covers colloquial language and slang, americanisms, accepted foreign words, neologisms, and the language of science and technology.

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