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Leisure in Your Life: New Perspectives

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9781892132758
OKCZID: 110621794

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GODBEY, Geoffrey. Leisure in your life: new perspectives. State College, Pa.: Venture Publishing, c2008. xiv, 450 s.



What do you do when you are relatively free to choose? How does such behavioraffect your happiness, your health, your family, your friends, and society? Compared to a few decades ago, time free from paid work, household chores and personal maintenance is a larger and more important part of life.This textbook takes a fresh approach to understanding leisure through the use of brief statements from diverse people commenting on some aspect of leisure in their lives. This device combined with professionally designed Powerpointpresentations for each chapter, adds new perspectives to the approach taken to the previous editions of this best-selling book. Designed to introduce leisure studies, this book encourages you to start by examining leisure as it relates to your life and then broaden your learning to include the rest of the world.

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