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Physical Activity, Fitness, and Health: Consensus and Statement

Rok: 1993
ISBN: 9780873224703
OKCZID: 110623169

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BOUCHARD, Claude, ed., STEPHENS, Thomas, ed. a SHEPHARD, Roy J., ed. Physical activity, fitness, and health: consensus statement. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1993. xv, 102 s.



This text provides a summary of knowledge about the interrelationships between physical activity, fitness and health. Based on the Second International Consensus Symposium on Physical Activity, Fitness, and Health, held in May 1992 in Toronto, the consensus statement reflects the work of 95 world-renowned exercise scientists. They held discussions on 72 topics in the sport and exercise sciences, and arrived at consensus statements that reflect the current state of knowledge for each topic. This reference studies the relationships between health, regular physical activity, and physical fitness; examines the effects of growth, gender, ageing, and social environments on health and fitness; quantifies the amount of habitual physical activity necessary for given effects; identifies the quality and extent of research supporting the conclusions reached for each of the topics addressed; and identifies areas for future research.

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