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Research Methods in Physical Activity

Rok: 1990
ISBN: 9780873222914
OKCZID: 110623197



This text is designed to acquaint undergraduate and graduate students with the hows and whys of research. At the same time, it aims to help experienced researchers brush up on their skills and become more familiar with new techniques. The authors bring research methods to life with their thorough yet easy-to-understand explanation of the research process. They guide the student / researcher step-by-step from initial literature search through final report preparation and presentation. "Research Methods in Physical Activity" aims to guide both producers and consumers of research. It includes guidelines on how to conduct original research as well as how to better understand and evaluate the research that has already been done. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are extensively covered. Like its predecessor, this edition of "Research Methods in Physical Activity" covers statistical concepts and techniques, types of research, measurement instruments, and writing the research report. But the second edition also includes important information on these topics: alternative models for research; multivariate techniques, including discriminant analysis, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), factor analysis, and structural modelling; meta-analysis; qualitative approaches to research; nonparametric techniques such as chi-square, Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test, Spearman rank-difference correlation, and others; philosophic methods of inquiry.

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