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International Trends in Optics

Rok: 1991
ISBN: 9780122896903
OKCZID: 110625135

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GOODMAN, Joseph W., ed. International trends in optics. Boston, Mass.: Harcourt/Academic Press, 1991. xx, 525 s., [2] s. obr. příl.



Intended for physical scientists and engineers in optics research and development, and students who want an overview of the field, this book provides a broad and authoritative overview of research that is underway in the field of optics throughout the world. The articles, which are suitable for the specialist and non-specialist alike, provide general and readable overviews of many different aspects of optical science and engineering. These articles also tend to be less formal than the standard technical reviews found in journals. In addition to providing an overview of their designated topics, authors discussed unsolved research problems and speculate on future directions in the field.

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