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Multivariate statistical analysis : a conceptual introduction

Autor: Kachigan, Sam Kash
Rok: c1991
ISBN: 9780942154917
OKCZID: 110625676
Vydání: 2nd ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KACHIGAN, Sam Kash. Multivariate statistical analysis: a conceptual introduction. 2nd ed. New York: Radius Press, c1991. xii, 303 s.



This classic multivariate statistics book has become the introduction of choice for researchers and students with a minimal mathematics background. In addition to providing a review of fundamental statistical methods, it provides a basic treatment of advanced computer-based multivariate analytical techniques; including correlation and regression analysis, analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and multidimensional scaling. The conceptual treatment emphasizes the rationales, applications, and interpretations, rather than the theoretical mathematical aspects of the most commonly used data analysis techniques in use today, closing the gap between spiraling technology and its intelligent application, providing students and researchers with a decided advantage in their future studies and careers. Its conceptual non-mathematical approach is especially helpful to students, researchers, and managers in the social and health sciences, education, and business. It is also the ideal springboard for those who will pursue advanced study of these powerful multivariate techniques.

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