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The Immunological Basis of Asthma (Lung Biology in Health and Disease)

Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9780824708825
OKCZID: 110627231

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LAMBRECHT, Bart N., ed., HOOGSTEDEN, Henk C., ed. a DIAMANT, Zuzana, ed. The immunological basis of asthma. New York: Marcel Dekker, c2003. xxvi, 800 s. Lung biology in health and disease, vol. 174.



This text assesses the role of dendritic cells, T and B lymphocytes, epithelial and mast cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, macrophages, and their products in the initiation and progression of airway inflammation, regulation, and repair. It unveils advances in immunology and cell biology to generate new therapeutic regimens for inflammatory and allergic diseases,and offers unparalleled research from nearly 60 international contributors.

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