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Now That the Buffalo's Gone

Rok: 1982
ISBN: 9780394466729
OKCZID: 110628551



In this book one of America’s leading writers of Indian History examines the aspirations and feelings of today’s Indians-what they want and why they want it. Using the particular histories of seven Indian tribes or groups, Alvin Josephy analyzes seven principal issues in the continuing face-off between Indians and Whites:- The Indians’ will to endure as Indians- Racial sterotypes that influence Whites’ treatment of Indians- Indians’ efforts to retain the deep spiritual basis of their lives- The fight to retain tribal land bases- Reassertion of Indian water rights- Claims to fishing and hunting rights- The modern-day quest for self-termination, sovereignty, and control of tribal affairs and resourcesThose themes are the major aspects of contemporary Indian affairs that are least understood by non-Indians and tend to cause continued misunderstanding and conflicts with Whites.

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