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Raptors of the world

Autor: Ferguson-Lees, James
Rok: c2005
ISBN: 9780691126845
OKCZID: 110631212

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
FERGUSON-LEES, James. Raptors of the world. Ilustrace Kim FRANKLIN. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2005. 320 s. Princeton field guides.



This new field guide covers all of the world's kites, vultures, harriers, hawks, buzzards, eagles, and falcons. Based on essential sections of the widely acclaimed handbook Raptors of the World by the same authors, but with updated text, maps, and plates, it shows every species in a selection of different plumages, with concise facing texts and distribution maps. It provides an easy-to-use and portable reference to one of the world's largest, most popular, and most challenging avian groups. A unique identification guide to all the world's raptors 118 color plates show 338 species in flight and perched Facing text summarizes size, confusion species, habitat, and behavioral and plumage differences Color distribution maps included for every species Ideal for use in the field, anywhere in the world

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