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Methods in Plant Electron Microscopy and Cytochemistry

Rok: 2000
ISBN: 9780896038097
OKCZID: 110651893

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DASHEK, William V., ed. Methods in plant electron microscopy and cytochemistry. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, c2000. xi, 300 s.



Hands-on experimentalists describe the cutting-edge microscopical methods needed for the effective study of plant cell biology today. These powerful techniques, all described in great detail to ensure successful experimental results, range from light microscope cytochemistry, autoradiography, and immunocytochemistry, to recent developments in fluorescence, confocal, and dark-field microscopies. Important advances in both conventional and scanning electron microscopies are also fully developed, together with such state-of-the-art ancillary techniques as high-resolution autoradiography, immunoelectron microscopy, X-ray microanalysis, and electron systems imaging. Easy-to-use and up-to-date, Methods in Plant Electron Microscopy and Cytochemistry offers today's plant scientists a first class collection of readily reproducible light and electron microscopical methods that will prove the new standard for all working in the field.

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