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Something to Draw On: Activities and Interventions using an Art Therapy Approach

Rok: 1996
ISBN: 9781853023637
OKCZID: 110664439



Arising from concerns about children who are underachieving or presenting behavioral difficulties, this book outlines a number of useful approaches for teachers and others to use with individuals, small groups and classes. The book adapts and interprets an art therapy approach which can be used by non-art therapists as well as those practising in the field. Its approach is designed to be used in a variety of settings, such as in schools, special needs education, counselling, speech therapy and youth work. The applications are suitable for addressing a wide range of concerns, such as: bullying and harassment; breaking negative cycles of behaviour in groups; communications skills; social skills; promoting self-esteem; pastoral care; the specific needs of individuals. The approach has been trialled in school setting.

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