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Deutsche Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie, Sonderbande Bd.18 an Den Wurzeln Moderner Demokratie Bürger Und Staat in Der Neuzeit

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9783050044569
OKCZID: 110666144



In Alessandro Pinzanis work, the thought of philosophers Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau and Kant is taken as a base to relaunch the debate on the relationship between individual and state. It is shown that the positions of these philosophers also correspond to four ways of thinking that a four-fold root of modern democracies are: republicanism, liberalism, radical democracy and constitutionalism. Both the reference to classical thinkers as well as the antithesis of modern political thought notified traditions, however, are problematic. The author demonstrates that just causes the use of past authors and dimly defined ways of thinking, many of the difficulties that arise when trying to understand the current problems facing our democracies, let alone solve it, too. After both the history of ideas as well as systematic analysis of the concepts of classical political philosophy is presented in the book of the current debate about the necessity of political virtues and the assumption of a certain political attitude on the part of citizens of contemporary democracies.

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