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Stefan Zweig : Exil und Suche nach dem Weltfrieden

Autor: Mark H. Gelber, Klaus Zelewitz, Stefan Zweig
Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9781572410114
NKP-CNB: boa001-mzk01000984420
OKCZID: 110667331

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GELBER, Mark H. Stefan Zweig: Exil und Suche nach dem Weltfrieden. [S.l.: ARIADNE PRESS, 1995]. iii, 345 s. Studies in Austrian literature, culture, and thought.



This text is presented in English & German. This volume contains the presentations given at the International Stefan Zweig Congress, held in Salzburg in February 1992. The essays are organized in five separate groups, each centering on a topic of concern to Zweig scholarship: war and peace, writing in exile, Jewishness and exile, the biographical writings from exile, and the stations of exile. There is an appendix that contains additional congress-related informational material. Three of the essays are in English, the remainder in German.

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