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Lectures on Lie Groups (University Mathematics , Vol 2)

Rok: 1998
ISBN: 9789810235291
OKCZID: 110669389



A concise and systematic introduction to the theory of compact connected Lie groups and their representations, as well as a complete presentation of the structure and classification theory. It uses a non-traditional approach and organization. There is a balance between, and a natural combination of, the algebraic and geometric aspects of Lie theory, not only in technical proofs but also in conceptual viewpoints. For example, the orbital geometry of adjoint action is regarded as the geometric organization of the totality of non-commutativity of a given compact connected Lie group, while the maximal tori theorem of E. Cartan and the Weyl reduction of the adjoint action on the G to the Weyl group action on a chosen maximal torus are presented as the key results that provide an understanding of the orbital geometry.

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