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100 Cases in Clinical Medicine | |||||
Rok: 2000 AnotaceThis invaluable learning and revision tool deals with core material in clinical medicine. It covers the major systems in fifteen sections, and includes 100 cases. These cases mirror those which students and house officers will meet in accident and emergency, outpatients and general practice. Cases include radiographs, electrocardiograms and other data for interpretation. Questions and answers also ensure that the book is an invaluable learning and revision tool. What better way to ease into clinical medicine than by using this book! 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine can be used by medical students as an aide to self-directed learning and clinical problem solving. 100 case descriptions present core conditions and symptoms as seen in clinical practice and readers are encouraged to think in a practical way about clinical problems. The cases mirror those students and house officers meet in Accident and Emergency, Outpatients and General Practice. Presented in an easy to use format, each case includes a scenario with patient data - laboratory results, images or ECGs - to reflect the clinical situation. The reader is encouraged to answer questions and explanatory answers follow overleaf. Answers cover clinical thinking, differential diagnoses and key points to remember. Dostupné zdroje