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Prince Eugene : general-philosopher and art lover : Belvedere

Rok: c2010
ISBN: 9783777425511
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)530378750
OKCZID: 110684855

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Prince Eugene: general-philosopher and art lover : Belvedere. Editor Agnes HUSSLEIN-ARCO, editor Marie-Louise von PLESSEN. München: Hirmer, c2010, 335 s. ISBN 978-3-7774-2551-1.



Prince Eugene of Savoy-Carignan (1663 ?1736), was one of the most prominent and powerful Austrians of his time. He emphasized his country?s fortunes but also its art and cultural history. All his life, he spent time and energy building his extensive collections of paintings and etchings, of incunables, illuminated manuscripts and books. They filled his Vienna palaces. From the different theatres of war and battle grounds he corresponded to artists and artist-craftsmen, to garden architects, architects and to the leading personalities of his time. His passion for the fine arts, scholarship and sciences determined his life; his cultural and academic legacy will have lasting effects all our days.

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