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The Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780521537872
OKCZID: 110692169

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky. 1st pub. Editor Harry DANIELS, editor Michael COLE, editor James V. WERTSCH. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 462 s. ISBN 978-0-521-53787-2.



L. S. Vygotsky was an early twentieth century Russian social theorist whose writing exerts a significant influence on the development of social theory in the early twenty first century. His non-deterministic, non-reductionist account of the formation of mind provides current theorietical developments with a broadly drawn yet very powerful sketch of the ways in which humans shape and are shaped by social, cultural, and historical conditions. The Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky is a comprehensive text that provides students, academics, and practioners with a critical perspective on Vygotsky and his work.

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