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Politics Of Greek Tragedy (Bristol Phoenix Press - Greece and Rome Live)

Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9781904675501
OKCZID: 110694773



The topic addressed by this volume has been a subject of much scholarly debate in the last thirty years or so; but it is one that does not often find its way specifically into the more accessible accounts of Greek tragedy. The fact is that tragedy, no less than the satirical comedies of Aristophanes or the sculptures of the Parthenon, involved a highly political dimension. This book provides stimulating and provocative analyses, from varied points of view, of the political aspect in several tragedies (referred to in modern translations). Carter includes a chapter on the `reception' of political tragedy, alluding to theatre and film productions of the Greek plays which have taken an overtly political stance. David Carter is Lecturer in Greek and Latin at University College London.

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