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Artificial Intelligence Illuminated

Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780763732301
OKCZID: 110697027



Artificial Intelligence Illuminated Presents An Overview Of The Background And History Of Artificial Intelligence, Emphasizing Its Importance In Today’S Society And Potential For The Future. The Book Covers A Range Of AI Techniques, Algorithms, And Methodologies, Including Game Playing, Intelligent Agents, Machine Learning, Genetic Algorithms, And Artificial Life. Material Is Presented In A Lively And Accessible Manner And The Author Focuses On Explaining How AI Techniques Relate To And Are Derived From Natural Systems, Such As The Human Brain And Evolution, And Explaining How The Artificial Equivalents Are Used In The Real World. Each Chapter Includes Student Exercises And Review Questions, And A Detailed Glossary At The End Of The Book Defines Important Terms And Concepts Highlighted Throughout The Text.

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