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The Debatabase Book: A Must Have Guide for Successful Debate (IDEA (international Debate Education Association)) | |||||
Rok: 2004 AnotaceAn invaluable resource for debaters, this books provides background, arguments and resources on over 125 debate topics in areas as diverse as business, science and technology, environment, politics, religion, culture, and education. All topics have been updated and new topics added for this revised edition. Among the new topics are: Targeting of Children in Advertising, Arranged Marriages, Beauty Contests, Child Labor, Condoms in Schools, Banning of Confederate Flag, Limits of Debate, Genetically Modified Foods, Minority Schools, Multiculturalism vs. Integration, Parental Responsibility, Polygamy and the Two-Party System. Each entry presents: an introduction placing the topic in context; arguments pro and con; sample motions; and Web links and print resources for further research. Organized in a handy A-Z format, the book also includes a topical index for easy searching. Dostupné zdroje