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Posterior analytics

Autor: Aristotelés , Jonathan Barnes
Rok: 1993
ISBN: 9780198240891
NKP-CNB: cbd005-000214972
OKCZID: 110701184

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Posterior analytics. Second edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press, [1993]. xxv, 298 stran. Clarendon Aristotle Series.



The Posterior Analytics contains some of Aristotle's most influential thoughts in logic, epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of science. The first book expounds and develops the notions of a demonstrative argument and of a formal, axiomatized science; the second discusses a cluster of problems raised by the axioms or principles of such a science, and investigates in particular the theory of definition. This volume is intended to serve the needs of readers of Aristotle without a knowledge of Greek; for this second edition the translation has been completely rewritten, with the aims of greater elegance and greater fidelity to the Greek. The commentary elucidates and assesses Aristotle's arguments from a philosophical point of view; it has been extensively revised to take account of the scholarship of the last twenty years.

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