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The new interpreter's Bible : general articles & introduction, commentary, & reflections for each book of the Bible, including the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books, in twelve volumes. Volume II

Rok: c1998
ISBN: 9780687278152
OKCZID: 110702817

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KECK, Leander E., ed. The book of Numbers: The book of Deuteronomy ; Introduction to narrative literature ; The book of Joshua ; The book of Judges ; The book of Ruth ; The first and second books of Samuel. Nashville: Abingdon, c1998. xviii, 1388 s. The new interpreter's Bible, vol. 2.



New Interpreter's® Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * A detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: * The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues * An ecumenical roster of contributors * Comprehensive, concise articles * Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 2 Errata Sheet

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