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Musical openings : using music in the language classroom

Autor: David Cranmer, Clement Laroy
Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9780582075047
NKP-CNB: boa001-mzk01000992084
OKCZID: 110703888

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CRANMER, David. Musical openings: using music in the language classroom. 1st pub. Harlow: Longman, 1992. ix, 111 s. Pilgrims Longman resource books.



This book explores the ways in which instrumental music can be introduced in the language classroom and the effects of using music to inspire student enthusiasm and creativity. It is aimed at teachers who love music, whatever their knowledge of experience of it, and demonstrates with step-by-step activities how the power of music can be exploited in a learning environment. The book draws on diverse musical sources and cultures and is accompanied by a cassette of musical excerpts linked to various activities in the book for teachers with limited musical resources. The book provides lists of further listening materials so that activities can be adapted according to the music which teachers have available to them and to the interests of teachers and students. It should also provide an original starting point for numerous aspects of traditional language study, from grammar and functions to creative writing. The "Pilgrim Longman Resource Books" series provide a range of practical lessons in recipe format. They are written by experienced English language teachers. The activities can be used as the basis for lessons, as a departure point for classroom development and creativity, or as last minute time fillers.

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