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Histology for Pathologists

Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9780881676211
OKCZID: 110710040

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
STERNBERG, Stephen S. Histology for pathologists. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1996. xiii,977 s.



Moving beyond the strict boundaries of tissue and cell histology, "Histology for Pathologists" focuses on the borderland between histology and pathology - frequently the most problematic of territories for the pathologist. In this guide, international specialists in pathology, histopathology, anatomical pathology, surgical pathology, and neuropathology describe in detail the histologic structure, composition and function of tissues from the perspective of most value to the pathologist. Each of the major organ systems is systematically reviewed - additional coverage provided on structures of special significance - encompassing in the 48 chapters; the cardiovascular system; the spleen; reactive lymph nodes; the central and peripheral nervous systems; the endocrine and neuroendocrine systems; the gastrointestinal system; the kidney; the male and female urogenital systems; the respiratory system; bone, muscle, and connective tissue; the eye; the ear; skin; and nail. In most chapters, frequently encountered prepathologic conditions are examined as well as fully developed pathologic alterations. Of special note: deviations from the normal related to such variables as age, sex, and race are highlighted and clarified. Developed by leading international specialists in pathology, histopathology, anatomical pathology, surgical pathology, and neuropathology, this reference guide to histopathology demonstrates the significance of histologic structures in terms of pathologic interpretation. With the aid of more than 1,600 detail-revealing illustrations, the contributors describe the histologic structure, composition, and function of tissues from the perspective of most value to the pathologist. Throughout, there are insights into the histologic subtleties and nuances that frequently elude the nonhistologist - unusual variations in staining reactions, little-known fixation artifacts, and even revealing but frequently missed gross observations. The 48 chapters cover all the major organ systems and provide additional information on structures of special significance. Commonly encountered prepathologic conditions are examined, as well as fully developed pathologic alterations. Deviations from the normal related to such variables as age, sex, and race are highlighted and clarified.

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