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Rediscovering Aquinas and the Sacraments: Studies in Sacramental Theology

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9781595250322
OKCZID: 110710562

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LEVERING, Matthew, ed. a DAUPHINAIS, Michael, ed. Rediscovering Aquinas and rhe sacraments: studies in sacramental theology. Mundelein, Ill.: HillenbrandBooks, c2009. xiv, 143 s.



Rediscovering Aquinas and the Sacraments: Studies in Sacramental Theology introduces the reader to the scope of St. Thomas Aquinas's sacramental and liturgical theology. The reader will receive a taste of why the Church has found St. Thomas's thought on these subjects to be both "rigorous" and "religiously exhilarating." By means of his exploration of how each sacrament causes in us a particular fusion to Christ through the Holy Spirit, Aquinas still assists believers today in understanding the role of each of the sacraments in the life of faith. Believers who seek to enrich their participation in divine worship will find valuable instruction in Aquinas's theology. This accessible text features a new study on worship by Cardinal Avery Dulles, SJ as well as new studies by Romanus Cessario, OP, Michael Dauphinais, Matthew Levering, Joseph Koterski, SJ, Robert Miner, Bruce D.Marshall, John F. Boyle and Sr. Thomas Aquinas Becker, OP. This is an ideal resource for students of all sacraments courses.

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