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New Waves in Epistemology (New Waves in Philosophy)

Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9780230537880
OKCZID: 110718930

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
New waves in epistemology. 1st pub. Editor Vincent F. HENDRICKS, editor Duncan. PRITCHARD. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, 383 s. New waves in philosophy. ISBN 978-0-230-53788-0.



In the past thirty years epistemology has been one of the fastest moving disciplines in philosophy. The reason for the rapid advancement is partly due to the fact that various schools and movements inside epistemology have developed different answers to classical epistemological problems, and partly due to the fact that formal methods from logic, probability theory and computability have been utilized to deal with many of the same issues and used for applications outside traditional epistemology. New Waves in Epistemology reflects these changes by letting up-and-coming scholars describe the current trends as well as discussing the prospects for future development.

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