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The sublime

Autor: Simon Morley
Rok: 2010
ISBN: 9780854881789
OKCZID: 110724132

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MORLEY, Simon, ed. The sublime. 1st publ. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2010. 237 s. Documents of contemporary art.



The sublime is spectacularly envisioned by the artists in this book, and gracefully articulated by its authors.The contributors show us that the world can still be transformed. Many of these works and texts perform the contemporary sublime. They open a schism between expectation and sensation, expanding the horizon between the known territories of the real and our capacity to imagine otherwise. They show us that we may still be taken by surprise by scenes of wonder. Aesthetic experience at the brink of our senses removes the familiar ground on which we know and experience the existential condition of being. Johanna Drucker, Breslauer Professor of Bibliographical Studies, University of California at Los Angeles (Johanna Drucker )

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