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The Oxford Treasury of Children's Poems

Rok: 1988
ISBN: 9780192760555
OKCZID: 110724683



"I should like to rise and go where the golden apples grow." For the child entering the world of poetry for the first time, The Oxford Treasury of Children's Poems will prove both delightful and illuminating. Beginning with limericks and tongue-twisters, word-plays and nursery rhymes, we are led into the world of children's poetry. Here are poems about giants and dragons, fairies and trolls; about parents and neighbors, spiders and alley cats; about the seaside and windy walks, food and parties. You'll also find poems about naughty children, poems to make you laugh, and poems for bedtime. Beautifully illustrated by a variety of artists, it's a collection to start any child off on a lifetime's enjoyment of poetry.

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