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Power Play (Spectrum)

Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9780883855232
OKCZID: 110725094

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BARBEAU, Edward. Power play. Washington: The Mathematical Association of America, 1997. xi, 185 stran. Spectrum series.



This book is a country walk through the magical world of numbers. Most people will have recognised some of the fascinating patterns exhibited by many numbers; some of these indicate a deep and complex structure which is revealed in this book in a way that is accessible to all, from amateur to expert. The author focusses on powers of numbers, which have been studied from the time of Pythagoras until the present day, with the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. Indeed some of the results described by the author were only established quite recently, giving the book a very contemporary flavour. In sum, this will make a stimulating resource for teachers of mathematics, and will be as well a fund of knowledge for amateurs.

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