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Production/Operations Management (Irwin Series in Marketing)

Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9780256139006
OKCZID: 110726018

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
STEVENSON, William J. Production/operations management. 5th ed. Chicago: Irwin, c1996. xii, 897 s. The Irwin series in production operations management.



Previous editions of Production/Operations Management have made it the leading text in the introductory operations management market. The Fifth Edition will continue this tradition. The Fifth Edition continues to rely on the strengths of preceding editions, that is, Stevenson's careful explanations and balanced descriptive and quantitative applications. The text continues to use smaller, more procedural examples as well as "solved problems" to support students. Production/Operations Management is used in the introductory operations management course required of all business majors in four-year colleges and universities.

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