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Questions and answers in : magnetic resonance imaging

Autor: Elster, Allen D.
Rok: 1994
ISBN: 9780801677670
OKCZID: 110730409
Vydání: 1st ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ELSTER, Allen D. Questions and answers in: magnetic resonance imaging. 1st ed. St. Louis: Mosby Company, 1994. ix, 278 s.



Approximately 100 of the most frequently asked questions about physical principles, hardware and equipment, image production, imaging techniques, safety issues, artifacts, contrast agents, flow phenomena, and MR angiography are addressed in this book. Questions are followed by one to two paragraph answers and pertinent references. Instructive line drawings, tables, and carefully selected MR images clarify and reinforce key information. The questions are grouped by topic into ten sections on: introduction to MR imaging, physical principles of NMR, hardware considerations, image production, gradient echo imaging, MR artifacts, flow phenomena and MR angiography, MR contrast agents, advanced MR imaging techniques, and safety and biological effects.

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