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100 Cases in Paediatrics

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9780340968758
OKCZID: 110731358

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
RAINE, Joseph E. 100 cases in paediatrics. 1st pub. London: Hodder Arnold, 2009. xvii, 302 s. 100 cases series.



The 100 Cases series provides a novel learning and revision tool that works by guiding the reader through each clinical case in a highly structured manner. Each scenario provides details of the patient's medical history and the key findings of a clinical evaluation, together wtih initial investigation results data for evaluation. Key questions then prompt the reader to evaluate the patient, and reach a decision regarding their condition and the possible treatment plan, while the answer pages reveal the processes a clinician goes through in such situations. The volumes are designed with the student in mind, and include features to aid self-directed learning, clinical reasoning, and problem-solving. 100 Cases in Paediatrics covers the following subject areas: respiratory; cardiology; endocrinology and diabetes; gastroenterology; nephrology; infections; dermartology; haematology; oncology; bones and joints; neurology; child and adolescent psychiatry; neonatology, and many others.

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