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Theory and Method in Organization Studies: Paradigms and Choices

Rok: 2000
ISBN: 9780761964018
OKCZID: 110732020

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
STRATI, Antonio. Theory and method in organization studies: paradigms and choices [elektronický zdroj]. 1st UK ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE, 2000. xiv, 233 p.



In this introduction to theory and method, students of organization will find a comprehensive view of the key theories in their field, combined with a toolkit of guidelines linking these to the different methods available for analyzing and interpreting organizational life. Distinguishing `the external society' and the `internal society', Antonio Strati sheds light on the different contexts that shape organizational life and the different levels of analysis that may be used. By showing the many levels at which organizations function and can be understood this book provides an invaluable introduction to analysis and research for advanced students. Recent concepts such as `the organization as hypertext'; `communities of practi

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