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Atmospheric pollution : history, science, and regulation

Autor: Jacobson, Mark Z.
Rok: 2002.
ISBN: 9780521010443
ISBN: 9780521811712
OKCZID: 110734101
Vydání: 1st publ.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
JACOBSON, Mark Z. Atmospheric pollution: history, science, and regulation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. xi, 399 s.



This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the history and science of major air pollution issues. It begins with an introduction to the basic atmospheric chemistry and the history of discovery of chemicals in the atmosphere, and then moves on to a discussion of the evolution of the earth's atmosphere, and the structure and composition of the present-day atmosphere. It also offers a comprehensive and accessible discussion of the five major atmospheric pollution topics: urban outdoor air pollution, indoor air pollution, acid deposition, stratospheric ozone reduction, and global climate change.

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