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Transnational and comparative research in sport : globalisation, governance and sport policy

Autor: Henry, Ian P.
Rok: c2007
ISBN: 9780415401128
OKCZID: 110737732

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HENRY, Ian P. Transnational and comparative research in sport: globalisation, governance and sport policy. London: Routledge, c2007. xv, 240 s.



The wider adoption of a post-modern understanding of truth and knowledge, an acceptance of the prevalence of Orientalism inherent in much Western research, and the diminished significance of the ‘local’ within the rhetoric of globalization have all combined to constrain comparative and transnational research under the weight of theoretical and methodological concerns. Transnational and Comparative Research in Sport addresses these difficulties in the context of sport studies, with the aim of developing typology which can be adopted to help re-establish meaningful transnational and comparative research. The book covers theoretical and substantive contexts and introduces a four-fold typology of approaches to comparative research, each supported by case studies and full discussion. .

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