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Reluctant Restraint: The Evolution of China's Nonproliferation Policies and Practices, 1980-2004 (Studies in Asian Security)

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780804755528
OKCZID: 110745920

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MEDEIROS, Evan S. Reluctant restraint: the evolution of China's nonproliferation policies and practices, 1980-2004. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, [2007]. xv, 357 stran.



Reluctant Restraint examines one of the most important changes in Chinese foreign policy since the country opened to the world: China's gradual move to support the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, missiles, and their related goods and technologies. Once a critic of the global nonproliferation regime, China is now a supporter of it, although with some reservations. Medeiros analyzes how and why Chinese nonproliferation policies have evolved so substantially since the early 1980s. He argues that U.S. diplomacy has played a significant and enduring role in shaping China's gradual recognition of the dangers of proliferation, and in its subsequent altered behavior.

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