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Curating and the educational turn

Rok: 2010
ISBN: 9780949004185
OKCZID: 110747745
Vydání: First published

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
O'NEILL, Paul, ed. a WILSON, Mick, ed. Curating and the educational turn. First published. London: Open editions, 2010. 342 stran.



In recent years there has been increased debate on the incorporation of pedagogy into curatorial practice-on what has been termed "the educational turn" ("turn" in the sense of a paradigmatic reorientation, within the arts). In this new volume, artists, curators, critics and academics respond to this widely recognized turn in contemporary art. Consisting primarily of newly commissioned texts, from interviews and position statements to performative text and dialogue, Curating and the Educational Turn also includes a number of previously published writings that have proved primary in the debate so far. Companion to the critically acclaimed Curating Subjects, this anthology presents an essential question for anyone interested in the cultural politics of production at the intersections of art, teaching and learning. Contributors include David Aguirre, Dave Beech, Cornford & Cross, Charles Esche, Liam Gillick, Tom Holert and Emily Pethick.

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