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Cognitive Psychology and Emotional Disorders, 2nd Edition

Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9780471944300
OKCZID: 110756630

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WILLIAMS, J. Mark G, MACLEOD, Colin, ed., MATHEWS, Andrew, ed. a WATTS, Fraser N., ed. Cognitive Psychology and Emotional Disorders. 2. vyd. Chichester: John Wiley, 1997. 404 s. The Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology.



This book responds to the explosion of interest in using the methods of experimental cognitive psychology to help understand emotional disorders, especially common anxiety and depressive disorders. It reviews recent research, focusing on how emotion affects the following: conscious and non-conscious processing, memory bias and memory deficits, attentional bias, schematic processing, judgements, thoughts and images. It also explores how irregularities in these processes can contribute to emotional disorders

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