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All of a sudden : things that matter in contemporary art

Autor: Heiser, Jörg
Rok: c2008
ISBN: 9781933128399
OKCZID: 110761922

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HEISER, Jörg. All of a sudden: things that matter in contemporary art. Berlin: Sternberg Press, c2008. 301 s.



Contemporary art is booming: there are more artists, more collectors,more venues, more fairs, more museums and definitely more hype thenever before. What s missing are criteria that define quality. That's whatJörg Heiser explores in this wonderful critical book, in which he uses asharp summary of contemporary art since Marcel Duchamp to make hispoints. When it's good, Heiser claims, art hits where it hurts, strikingat the heart of an ossified status quo . . . Instead of just aiming to shockand outrage, it shows authority losing its grip. Instead of inflating itself,it deflates the pompous in the name of art. Praised by critics as-astonishingly enlightening.

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