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Video Research in the Learning Sciences

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780805853605
OKCZID: 110762024

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GOLDMAN, Ricki, ed., PEA, Roy, ed., BARRON, Brigid, ed. a DERRY, Sharon J., ed. Video research in the learning sciences. New York: Routledge, 2007. xiii, 603 stran.



Video Research in the Learning Sciences is a comprehensive exploration of key theoretical, methodological, and technological advances concerning uses of digital video-as-data in the learning sciences as a way of knowing about learning, teaching, and educational processes. The aim of the contributors, a community of scholars using video in their own work, is to help usher in video scholarship and supportive technologies, and to mentor video scholars, so that video research will meet its maximum potential to contribute to the growing knowledge base about teaching and learning. This volume contributes deeply to both to the science of learning through in-depth video studies of human interaction in learning environments—whether classrooms or other contexts—and to the uses of video for creating descriptive, explanatory, or expository accounts of learning and teaching. It is designed around four themes—each with a cornerstone chapter that introduces and synthesizes the cluster of chapters related to it: Theoretical frameworks for video research; Video research on peer, family, and informal learning; Video research on classroom and teacher learning; and Video collaboratories and technological futures. Video Research in the Learning Sciences is intended for researchers, university faculty, teacher educators, and graduate students in education, and for anyone interested in how knowledge is expanded using video-based technologies for inquiries about learning and teaching. Visit the Web site affiliated with this book: www.videoresearch.org

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