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Zhuangzi shuo = Zhuang zi says

Autor: Zhuangzi, Xiqin Cai
Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9787802002135
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)182758351
OKCZID: 110763208

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ZHUANG, Zhou. Zhuang Zi says. 1 ed. Beijing: Sinolingua, 2006. 234 s. Wise men talking series.



As the saying goes, "if an old dog barks, he gives counsel." Old men, who walk more roads, eat more rice, read more books, have more experiences, enjoy more happiness, and endure more sufferings, are experienced and knowledgeable, with rich life experience. Thus, what they say is mostly wise counsel, and young people should listen to them. Editors have compiled these nuggets of wisdom uttered by old men of the various ancient schools of thought into this series Wise Men Talking, and added explanatory notes and English translation for the benefit of both Chinese and overseas readers fond of traditional Chinese culture.

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