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Childhood Depression: School-Based Intervention | |||||
Rok: 1990 AnotaceIt is now generally acknowledged that depression is as much a disorder of childhood as of adulthood. Yet it is also clear that the manifestation of depression in children is more varied, complex, and difficult to detect. It may, for instance, show up in the form of anger, somatic symptoms, or lowered school performance. While school professionals are often the first to recognize that a child has a problem, they may be unable to accurately diagnose it as depression or provide any treatment within the school setting. Childhood Depression is designed specifically for school practitioners who wish to increase their understanding of depression in children so that they may identify it, assess its severity, and plan appropriate interventions.In this book, Kevin Stark provides a thorough review of the empirical basis for the diagnosis of depression in children, and detailed information on how to make this assessment. He also describes a multi-component treatment program (cognitive-behavioral, family therapy, and school consultation), which has been validated with a large number of children. The main feature of this volume is the step-by-step description of how to implement such a program. A session-by-session outline, case examples, and clinical insights are given, and the author provides an array of treatment-related methods, i.e. the pleasant events schedule, exercises to facilitate cognitive restructuring, and sample behavioral contracts, which further enhance the book's usefulness.Childhood Depression is a concise, practical, and up-to-date guide for any professional working with school-age children. It is particularly relevant for school psychologists, counselors, social workers, administrators, and students in these area Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU Dostupné zdroje